Here are my humble efforts for Painting Table Saturday, number 28. The Grenadier Ettin is nearing completion. It's been a long time coming for this two-headed giant. Also, a trip to my good friend Bob in Cambridge resulted in a few rare miniatures for the table. Here are a couple, both Citadel Chaos Dwarves (Dwarfs), from the golden gaming era of the 1980s. Thanks Bob!
They were missing weapons, so I had a rummage through the bits box. An old ogre mace and a HeroQuest sword were then pinned into place. After some research I decided they are 'close enough' as replacements for the original weapons. I also added some stones from the driveway and a lonely skull (again, thanks to HeroQuest).
Another Hassle Free miniature, Albert, is now wearing the Maltese Cross on his tunic.
The day has warmed up nicely after a cold foggy morning. Thanks and blessings to
Sofie, the creator of Painting Table Saturday. Please check out the other participants at her
blog. Time to go and mow the lawns.
Grenadier Ettin, Giant Orc to the left. |
Hassle Free Kid with a Maltese Cross. |
Citadel Chaos Dwarfs get replacement weapons. |
Stones added to the bases. |
Winter is coming. |
Great work. I realy like the kid & the Dwarfs !
Thank you Mario. Those miniatures have plenty of chutzpah! A pleasure to paint. Oh, the fog lifted by mid-morning. The sun came out and it was a beautiful day!