
Saturday, 6 September 2014

PTS 44 + Marauder Goblin Wolf Riders + Shields + Olaf Cake

PTS? Painting Table Saturday! A big day. My youngest daughter turned 5! School on Monday! Woohoo! Every birthday my wife bakes a special cake. This year it's Olaf from Frozen, to fit the party theme.

Anyway, back to the painting, I've completed my latest commission for Lewis, a few Marauder Goblin wolf-riders. Legend has it that Marauder was formed by Ally and Trish Morrison as a separate company from Citadel in 1988, to keep certain personalities apart!? It was a wonderful opportunity to paint a couple of cool Goblin shields. They're similar to Orc shields, only smaller! Tiny!

Happy Birthday Rylee!

Three green-skins with pointy sticks.

Clips come in handy.

Wolves ready for mounting and flocking!

Even though it won't be noticed.

I like to add detail to the back of the shields.

Because I know it's there.

Even if most people don't!

Goblin Wolf Riders Attack!

Goblin Wolf Riders Retreat!

Goblin shield detail: Ace of Spades!

Goblin shield detail: Red Eye of Death!

God bless you and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Great looking cake and goblins. I wouldn't say the back of my shields are very detailed, but I give them almost the same treatment as the rest of the model. Nice use of clamps too.
