Autocratik (David F. Chapman - writer, game designer, editor and publisher) has started one of those blog-post-a-day things, #RPGaDAY, that help share the love of gaming. I'm on board and you're welcome to join. Come one, come all, as they say. Now I have done one of these before, celebrating the 40th birthday of Dungeons and Dragons: D&D 40th Anniversary Blog Hop Challenge + Day 2
#RPGaDAY - Day 1: First RPG Played
My first encounter with a Role-Playing Game (before playing the iconic D&D) was the Fighting Fantasy book series, beginning with the classic The Warlock of Firetop Mountain (back in 1982!), a single-player adventure gamebook written by Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone, illustrated by Russ Nicholson.
#RPGaDAY - Day 2: First RPG Gamemastered
A few years later I purchased the legendary Redbox (D&D Mentzer edition) and my group of school friends were always keen for a game. Those years of playing Fighting Fantasy gamebooks would prove invaluable!

1st - First RPG Played
2nd - First RPG Gamemastered
3rd - First RPG Purchased
4th - Most recent RPG purchase
5th - Most Old School RPG owned
6th - Favourite RPG Never get to play
7th - Most “intellectual” RPG owned
8th - Favourite character
9th - Favourite Die / Dice Set
10th - Favourite tie-in Novel / Game Fiction
11th - Weirdest RPG owned
12th - Old RPG you still play / read
13th - Most Memorable Character Death
14th - Best Convention Purchase
15th - Favourite Convention Game
16th - Game you wish you owned
17th - Funniest Game you’ve played
18th - Favourite Game System
19th - Favourite Published Adventure
20th - Will still play in 20 years time…
21st - Favourite Licensed RPG
22nd - Best Secondhand RPG Purchase
23rd - Coolest looking RPG product / book
24th - Most Complicated RPG Owned
25th - Favourite RPG no one else wants to play
26th - Coolest character sheet
27th - Game You’d like to see a new / improved edition of…
28th - Scariest Game you’ve played
29th - Most memorable encounter
30th - Rarest RPG Owned
31st - Favourite RPG of all time
2nd - First RPG Gamemastered
3rd - First RPG Purchased
4th - Most recent RPG purchase
5th - Most Old School RPG owned
6th - Favourite RPG Never get to play
7th - Most “intellectual” RPG owned
8th - Favourite character
9th - Favourite Die / Dice Set
10th - Favourite tie-in Novel / Game Fiction
11th - Weirdest RPG owned
12th - Old RPG you still play / read
13th - Most Memorable Character Death
14th - Best Convention Purchase
15th - Favourite Convention Game
16th - Game you wish you owned
17th - Funniest Game you’ve played
18th - Favourite Game System
19th - Favourite Published Adventure
20th - Will still play in 20 years time…
21st - Favourite Licensed RPG
22nd - Best Secondhand RPG Purchase
23rd - Coolest looking RPG product / book
24th - Most Complicated RPG Owned
25th - Favourite RPG no one else wants to play
26th - Coolest character sheet
27th - Game You’d like to see a new / improved edition of…
28th - Scariest Game you’ve played
29th - Most memorable encounter
30th - Rarest RPG Owned
31st - Favourite RPG of all time
Yep I remember both of those, that warlock book in some ways started it all... :)
ReplyDeleteYes, I found it in the school library! Recently I read a fascinating interview about how Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone (authors of Fighting Fantasy and founders of Games Workshop), started Citadel with Brian Ansell. Those were interesting times!